Call or Text: 970-439-0342 | 775-391-1362



Security Audits

Security audits empower your business with the insights needed to fortify defenses, ensure compliance, and protect valuable data from ever-evolving cyber threats.

Vulnerability Prevention

Vulnerability prevention shields your digital assets by proactively identifying and mitigating weaknesses, safeguarding your business from costly breaches and downtime.

Security Analysis

Security analysis provides a critical deep-dive into your organization’s security infrastructure, delivering actionable insights to strengthen safeguards and protect against emerging threats.


Security Solutions & Services

At CW Consulting, we specialize in delivering robust Security Solutions & Services tailored to safeguard your business in an increasingly complex digital landscape. Our expertise encompasses a range of solutions including vulnerability assessments, security audits, firewall and anti-malware implementation, data encryption, and compliance management.

Through a blend of cutting-edge technologies and seasoned security professionals, we strive to fortify your organization against cyber threats and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your valuable data. Partner with us to craft a security strategy that’s aligned with your business objectives and fosters a resilient security posture.

Remote Tech Support

Remote tech support provides you with instant, expert assistance for your technology needs, ensuring seamless operations and minimized downtime, no matter where you are.


What We Offer

Our tech support company delivers comprehensive, round-the-clock IT solutions, from remote assistance and cybersecurity to infrastructure management, ensuring your business thrives in a secure and efficient digital environment.

Security Analysis

Through security analysis, we dissect your organization’s cyber defenses to unearth vulnerabilities, enabling you to build an impenetrable shield against security breaches and data theft.

Security Services

Our security services provide an all-encompassing fortress of protection for your business, blending advanced technologies with expert insights to safeguard against cyber threats and ensure data integrity.

Security Solutions

Empower your business with our tailored security solutions, combining cutting-edge technology and expert guidance to fortify defenses, safeguard sensitive data, and foster a resilient security posture.


Our Approach to Security

At CW Consulting, we adopt a holistic and proactive approach to security, ensuring that your business is always one step ahead of potential threats. Our bespoke security solutions are forged from a blend of state-of-the-art technologies and seasoned expertise, meticulously designed to safeguard your sensitive data, ensure compliance, and fortify your cyber defenses.

Recognizing that every organization is unique, we tailor our services to align with your specific needs and goals. Through continuous monitoring, cutting-edge threat detection, and rapid incident response, we empower your business to thrive in a secure, resilient, and worry-free digital environment.


A Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) plan is your business’s lifeline in times of crisis, ensuring uninterrupted operations and swift recovery from unforeseen events.

Free Network Consultation

Unlock the potential of your network with our free consultation, where expert insights meet tailored recommendations to optimize performance and security, setting the foundation for your business’s success.

Contact Us

775.391.1362 | 970.439.0342

Steamboat Springs, CO, USA

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Virtual Appointment

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